Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Thoughts on our rentree en France

Tomorrow it will be a week that we have returned from the US to France.  It is hard to say how it feels.  I feel like I haven't started life here again.  Unpacking, jet-lag, washing, cleaning, buying food...all the things that need to be done when one comes home.  Oh, and then there was the issue of my car...didn't start, battery dead.  The weather is cold, grey and rainy.  Paris is 40 minutes away.  So for the moment, coming home to France is not great.  

On the other hand,
we have had 2 great French meals this week.  Radis, poulet roti, salade, fromage, baguette and vin...can't get too much better than that.  Last night was delicious boudin with puree de pomme de terre and brocoli.  This is part of La Belle France.

Today, we have friends coming for an apero to thank them for taking care of our house, Thursday a dinner with friends in the neighboring village, Friday off to see Guy's daughter and grandsons for a lunch and Sunday...yes, Sunday, off to Paris to see a friend.

Here's the thing for me...I love sunshine.  I thrive when there is sunshine, long summer nights.  I need sun.  And from what I hear from those I speak to here, they need some sun too.  When it will appear, we don't know.  But I hope it arrives soon.

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